June 15, 2005

Puppy Proof

I made the mistake of forming a definition of 'puppy proof' without the help of Red-Nose's girls, so it's going to need some re-working.

Duzz tested all the gaps in the baby gate and found that she could squeeze through the last one where it meets the wall. Instead of recognising that the sandstone block that forms my back step is too big to clamber up, she takes a run-up, a bounce step, and a flying leap inside. So for the moment my plans to contol her movements have come unstuck.

Luckily she has quite a bit of self-control for a tiny puppy. Having had her play time she is content to have her rest time, and she is voluntarily seeking out her crate for quiet times.


Anonymous said...

Duzz tested all the gaps in the baby gate and found that she could squeeze through the last one where it meets the wall.
This is a Victorian manoeuvre (called the "squeeze" by the way) taught to Dusty by Red Nose for future moves meant to impress an unsuspecting NSW agility fraternity.
We have learnt to understand it here as;

1. a move used to get out of tight corners,
2. a committed movement to get out of trouble whilst having too much fun on course,
3. a "get out of jail" card.

Anonymous said...

she takes a run-up, a bounce step, and a flying leap inside.

Now, I need to take responsibility for this, for the reason that I'd commenced teaching her the "rhythm" part of the "Clothier Natural Jumping Method". (refer to "pup over jump" photos)
I was just getting to teaching her the "bunny jumps" when she skipped town to come and live with you.
I really felt I needed to fast track this portion of her elementary training to make sure that she didn't follow in her mother's pawsteps in terms of pulling the odd bar, (or two) whether it be a strategic Red Nose move or otherwise.